What would be the fate of a migrated Jira project if its project lead was inactive?

nahom_yonas May 13, 2024

When transitioning a Jira project from a data center to the cloud, what potential impacts or errors might arise if the project lead is inactive? How might this affect the migration process and project continuity?

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Michel Neeser
Community Leader
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May 13, 2024

Hi @nahom_yonas

Assuming your question is based on a company-managed project: This depends entirely on how the project lead is used in the permission scheme and notification scheme of the project and if they are set as default assignee.

In Cloud, you can check if the project lead is included in the permission scheme by going to Project settings > Permissions. The notification scheme can be checked by going to Project settings > Notifications. And the default assignee setting can be found on the same page as the project lead setting itself under Project settings > Details.

The project lead is responsible for the project and should not be inactive (this should be ensured as a best practice). If this is the case nevertheless, the project will basically continue to work as usual provided the configurations mentioned above do not prevent other team members from working.

Hope this helps!

nahom_yonas May 14, 2024

Thank you for the reply Michel. It was exactly what I needed :) 

Michel Neeser
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
May 14, 2024

@nahom_yonas Glad I could help! Please consider accepting the answer, maybe it is helpful for others as well. Thank you. :-)

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