What programming language do you suggest to take Jelly out?

Rumceisz December 4, 2015

Hi Everyone,

since Jelly will not be supported we have to change our scripts. What programming language do you suggest that would cover all features that Jelly does.



2 answers

2 votes
Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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December 4, 2015

That's not quite the right question - you need to start with how you want to replace Jelly. 

Jelly had access to the internals of JIRA's API, so it could do quite a lot.  If you want to have the same level of access, you're probably going to want to write addons, and the easiest way to do those is to write in Java because that's what JIRA is written in.  It wouldn't be too hard to jump to Scala or something like that, but .Net stuff would be a nightmare.

But you don't have to use add-ons - if you write something external, you'd use the REST interface, but you can talk to that in any language you want if it can make REST calls.

As another "how", I'd just install the script-runner.  That actually supports quite a few options, but I find myself writing a mix of Groovy and Java in it.

Rising Star
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December 4, 2015

Jelly isn't a programming language... if you choose ScriptRunner there is some information on typical tasks that people we re using jelly for here: https://scriptrunner.adaptavist.com/latest/jira/recipes/jelly-migration.html

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Community Leader
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December 4, 2015

I still wish we could +1 comments. "Jelly isn't a programming language" is something I should have said. Jelly is an xml data structure that JIRA understands to layout data and some instructions on what to do with it. Not a language. Script-Runner allows us to use programming languages instead of relying on a developer interpreting xml data.

1 vote
Bob Swift (personal)
Rising Star
Rising Star
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December 5, 2015

Run CLI Actions in JIRA can be used to handle some of the use cases that jelly previously was used for. Administrator UI to Run CLI Actions provides an administrator UI within JIRA or you can also do JCLI scripting from a client. Similar to REST programming, you will have access to remote functions exposed by JIRA but not internal Java actions. Action Reference is a list of available capabilities.

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