What is the difference between Delivery Date and Due Date

Javier Laya March 1, 2022

Hello everyone,

We have a ticket in which we can show the timeline of the projects we manage. In this type of ticket we have 3 kind of dates, as I understand:

  • Start Date: The date when we start the project.
  • Due Date: The date when we expect the project is completed.
  • Delivery Date: I dont' know becuase when I go to the timeline of the project I can see both dates (Start and Due), however I can't not see Delivery Date, so I don't know how to use this date and take benefit of it. Does anyone know how to use it?.

Thank you so much for your help in advance.


Regards - Javier

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Trudy Claspill
Community Leader
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March 1, 2022

Hello @Javier Laya 

Welcome to the community.

Delivery Date is not a built in field native to Jira. That field has been created by your Jira Administrators or a third party app added to your Jira instance.

It may not be available for use in your timeline feature. The native Jira timeline/roadmap features don't support adding additional date fields. If you are using a third party app for your timeline/roadmap feature then you would need to look at that app's documentation to find out if another date field could be added.

Javier Laya March 1, 2022

Thank you so much for you reply Trudy, your explanation makes me happy and now I can understand it.


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