What is the best way to handle fix targets for multiple branches?

Gordon Wrigley
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September 5, 2011

We have many branches, both support and development, spread across multiple product lines.

One of our current pain points is tracking the delivery of fixes into the various branches. We really need a way to list off the branches that are potentially impacted by an issue and then track the state of the issue independently for each of those branches.

We are evaluating Jira as a replacement for our current issue tracking solution and addressing this problem is one of the top considerations.

The builtin fix targets support doesn't seem to suffice as it provides no way of tracking the state independently for each fix target.

Digging around I've found various request for this functionality, like these Atlassian support issues from 2003 and 2005: https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/JRA-1493 https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/JRA-6516 But so far I've encountered no indication that direct support for this has been implemented or even considered.

In terms of work arounds there are various suggestions involving Cloning or Subtasks, like in this thread (linked from the above issue): http://forums.atlassian.com/thread.jspa?threadID=6733 I'm sympathetic to this approach, but it has some short comings. It pollutes the issue number space, so we would require robust process around what issue numbers are used in commit messages etc. There is also a lot of repetitive and error prone work involved in creating all the clones / subtasks.

I'm interested to know how other people deal with this. Are there plugins that make the clone / subtask approaches easier? Is there functionality or planned functionality for this somewhere that I've missed? Are there any other approaches that can be applied?

3 answers

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Dante April 3, 2020


it's 2020 and I am still interested in an answer to that problem.



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Sophie DK September 4, 2018

Hi, Today it is my turn ! Please be so kind to share with me the solution you finally put in place. Thanks, Sophie

0 votes
Daniel Holmes July 14, 2016

We are starting to look at JIRA and have the4 same question.  I see this question is a few years old so I'm wondering what approach you ended up utilizing and how is it working?

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