What are the effects of adding Story Point field to issue types

Helpdesk February 12, 2020

250 projects use the same issue type scheme. In this issue type scheme, Bug is the only issue type that contains the Story Point field. All 250 projects have a  notification scheme.

When I add the Story Point field to all other issue types, what are the effects?

Will this create a huge email storm because all issues will change?  Am I correct in assuming that?

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Seon Shakespeare
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February 12, 2020

Hey @Helpdesk ,

In short - no, just adding the Story Point field to the relevant 'Create' & 'Edit/View' screens will not send email notifications to users

Users can be notified you choose to bulk change issues (e.g adding a new 'Story Points' value for all issues without a value) - but even here, you have the option to unselect 'send email to notify of the change'

The only emails from users I could forsee are from ones who have noticed the new 'Story Points' field on the 'Creation' screen, and we're not informed of the update,

I'd recommend ensuring team/project leads are aware of the change and why the field is being added across all projects

- Team/project leads will act almost as a first line of defence and help reduce the amount of questions that come through to you

Hope this helps some! :)


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