Was the new Parent field added to all screens?

Mya_Hauck June 30, 2024

Did Atlassian add the Parent field to all screens in an instance when they made their changes earlier this year?


I know you can edit the parent at the top of the any issue view using the parent editor, but we want to add the field on the "Details" side of our screen as well.


I can't use the normal "Associate field to screen" function for Parent, so I won't be able to see which screens are missing the field without going one by one. I also tried to use the REST APIs https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/rest/v2/api-group-screens/#api-rest-api-2-field-fieldid-screens-get, but the system isn't recognizing "parent" as a field ID.


If Atlassian hasn't added the parent to all screens, it feels very hard to take care of this in bulk.


Thanks for any assistance 



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Trudy Claspill
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June 30, 2024

Hello @Mya_Hauck 

What I observed was that the Parent field was added to all screens that already had the Epic Link field.

I'm not sure if it is added automatically to new screens that get created when you create new projects.

I don't have a Premium plan so I don't know if it was also added to the screens that had the field used to indicate parent issues at the level above Epic.

Are any of the projects Team Managed projects?

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