Want to get rid of certain fields while creating a TASK in backlog

Amitava Mallick June 22, 2020

I am planning to REMOVE/ MAKE NON COMPULSORY of 3 COMPULSORY marked fields, which creating a task in the backlog. However, after doing a lot of research, I am still unable to remove them


The 3 fields to make NON COMPULSORY are,

1. Time Spent

2. Date Started

3. Remaining Estimate




Please help

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Trudy Claspill
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June 22, 2020

Hello @Amitava Mallick 

Setting fields as Required is generally handled in the Field Configuration associated with the issue type for that project. A Field Configuration can apply to multiple issue types. If you want to keep the fields required for other issue types, then you will need to copy the Field Configuration, mark those fields as Optional, and then associate that new Field Configuration to the Task issue type in the Field Configuration Scheme assigned to your project.

There are also add-ons that may be setting the fields to required. If that is the case for your environment, the method for changing it depends on the add-on being used.

I hope that helps you.

Amitava Mallick June 22, 2020

Hello @Trudy Claspill 

I have tried going into "Configure Fields" but these 3 fields that I'm trying to make optional are not there. Atleast I couldn't seeTASK FIELDS.jpg

Trudy Claspill
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June 23, 2020

Hello @Amitava Mallick 

That is not the Field Configuration for the issue. That is configuring the fields you personally want to display when you are in this screen. That does not have any impact on which fields are required.

If you are a an Administrator for the project you will be able to view the Field Configuration Scheme and Field Configurations assigned to each issue type by going to Project Settings and selecting Fields. I believe only a JIRA Administrator will actually be able to make changes to the Field Configurations and Field Configuration Scheme.

If the fields are not listed as Required in the Field Configuration, then the functionality making them required is from an add-on, and the method to make the optional will depend on the add-on used. A JIRA Administrator will need to make that determination.

Amitava Mallick June 23, 2020

@Trudy Claspill Hello. Thank you for the guidance



Believe you were pointing towards this Field Configuration Scheme and Field configuration. I looked into them, for the field "Remaining Estimate" however, couldn't find.

Trudy Claspill
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June 23, 2020

Hello Amitava,

So, it looks like the dialog you first posted is the Log Work dialog. I don't believe you can change the required fields in that dialog. It doesn't make sense to use the Log Work function without entering time spent and date.

Logging Work should be a separate activity from creating an issue. Are you saying that when you Create a new issue in a project the Log Work dialog opens automatically and you can't create the new issue without logging work? 

Amitava Mallick June 23, 2020

While creating a TASK, the above 3 fields are marked as MANDATORY with a RED ASTERISK. I want to REMOVE the RED ASTERISK, or make those 3 fields NON MANDATORY

Trudy Claspill
Community Leader
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June 24, 2020

Check in the Field Configuration for "Log Work". That is the item that represents the Time Spent, Date Started, and Remaining Estimate fields.

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