Visibility of standard fields

Jérôme Coupé April 24, 2024

Hi all,

I want to make the two following standard fields visible on my issues :

  • Original estimate
  • Remaining estimate

They are showing in the layout configuration of the issues, in the screens configuration, but  not on the issues themselves?!

For the custom fields, I can check whereas they are masked or not in the custom fields list, but I cannot see where I can configure these standard fields!

Can anyone help?

Thanks a lot for your support.


2 answers

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Saurabh Kapoor
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
April 26, 2024

Hello Jérôme,

I understand that you're having trouble with standard fields 'Original Estimate' and 'Remaining Estimate' not showing up in your issue view even after adding them in the field layouts.

Please allow me to explain the functionality of these fields in detail. 


In JIRA Cloud, the Original Estimate and Remaining Estimate fields are associated with the Time Tracking field. To see the Original Estimate field on the view screen, you need to add the Time Tracking field to the screen. Along with this, the most important fact is that the Time Tracking field must not be set as Hidden in the Field Configuration. 

As for the Remaining Estimate, it won't appear as a separate field. Instead, it will be displayed when you hover your cursor over the Time Tracking field. The Remaining Estimate is included within the Time Tracking field. There isn't a separate field for Remaining Estimate in JIRA Cloud, like there is for Original Estimate, that users can configure. I've attached a screenshot below to illustrate this for you. 


I understand that you see a 'Remaining Estimate' field in the issue layout configuration section upon searching for it on the left-hand side. This is because all JIRA core fields, including those used internally by JIRA, are displayed here. However, please note that selecting core fields will not necessarily make them appear on the issue view screen.



In order to allow your team to enter an original estimate when creating or editing an issue, you'll need to unhide the Time Tracking field in the Field configuration by navigating to this link and clicking on the Show button and adding the Time Tracking field to relevant screens associated with those operations. See Associating a screen with an issue operation for more details.

Screenshot 2024-04-26 at 11.05.03 AM_2024-04-26T10:05:11.412Z.png

I hope this clears up any confusion. For additional information on Time Tracking configuration, I would recommend reading this support document: Configure time tracking

If you have any other questions, please let us know and we'll be happy to help. Looking forward to hearing back from you.

Jérôme Coupé April 26, 2024


Thank you for your answer.

2 things I do not understand :
- I added the Time tracking and made it visible, and now I can see the Original estimate field. However, I do not see the Remaining estimate field or any bar as you show that would correspond to a Time tracking visual element. Besides, can you indicate that the remaining time is finally more that initially expected?

- We are using Tempo. Can we use this individual tracking system in parallel? I read in the section "Change the time tracking provider" of Time tracking support document you mentioned, that I may have to switch?

Thanks a lot
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Tansu Akdeniz
Community Leader
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April 24, 2024

Hi @Jérôme Coupé 

Go to the project settings -> Issues -> layout and ensure that fields exist (not hidden).

You can update Remaining Estimate from Time tracking bar.


Jérôme Coupé April 24, 2024

Hi @Tansu Akdeniz 

Thanks a lot for your answer.

Actually, it is very strange because I added them in the layout, but they do not show (screenshot 1 and 2 for the issue "Bug").

At the same time, for the issue "Spike", I can see that "Original estimate" is showing  but not the other one '?!) whereas I added them both (see screenshot 3 and 4). 


And if I use the function "Find my field", is does not find it (?!) whereas you can see it on the right ! (screenshot 5).


There is clearly something I do not understand!

Finally, what do you mean by "You can update Remaining Estimate from Time tracking bar" ? Is it supposed to replace "Remaining estimate" ? How do you manage if the remaining estimate is finally more than the original estimate?

Thanks again!

Jérôme Coupé April 26, 2024

In addition, I can see the a bug and a spike do not share the same field configuration scheme (and I can see that the behaviour of the layout of the bug changes to be the same as the one from the spike when I switch to the defaut one) (screenshot 1) but when I explore both field configurations (screenshot 2), I cannot display the two fields I want and so I cannot show/hide these fields.


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