Values entered in the subtask transition screen is not displayed in the subtask view screen

Ishwarya Mani
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January 10, 2019


A subtask is created during a workflow transition using Create on Transition plugin. When this transition occur, a transition screen is displayed.

Now I expected to see the custom fields in the transition screen to be displayed in the subtask view screen, but nothing is displayed in the subtask screen except so default fields.

These entered values can be seen under the history tab.

How can I display these custom fields in subtask view screen?

Thank you. 

1 answer

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Jimmy Van (GLiNTECH)
Rising Star
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January 10, 2019

Hi Ishwarya,

You probably need to add the custom fields to the view screen that is associated with the sub-task.

I say probably as you may be using the new Jira Agility projects, and I'm not sure what your screen looks like at present. Have you got a screenshot?

Ishwarya Mani
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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January 10, 2019

Hi Jimmy,

Thanks for the fast reply.  The below image is the issue view screen.issues page.PNG

when the workflow goes on I reach the following state.

candidate button.PNG

Then the following transition screen is shown, the screen created for the subtask.

transition screen.PNG


Now the values are enter a subtask is created and the following happens.

sub task created.PNG

I thought that I will get the value in the subtask view screen but the following was shown.subtask page.PNGAs you can see only default fields are shown here.

I want that custom fields to be displayed in the subtask view screen. What to do? 

Nishanth Thimmareddy _Appfire_
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January 10, 2019

Hi @Ishwarya Mani, As @Jimmy Van (GLiNTECH) mentioned, you will need to add the fields in the transition screen to the subtask view screen. You can refer to the documentation on how-to here: Link


Jimmy Van (GLiNTECH)
Rising Star
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January 13, 2019

Hi @Ishwarya Mani, click on the "Admin" button on the view screen (highlighted in green), and it should help you find the data. Look for "Where is my field?"

2019-01-14 10_14_45-large (999×683).png

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