Validators - Time Spent

Berke Kavak August 3, 2018

Hello, I have a customized workflow and want to implement a time spent validator to make everyone log how much they have spent on every step. I have a 'Time Spent' validator on every transition and it works when I log work on the first step (I am both logging time spent and setting remaining time to 0 to make sure it works). However, I get an error at the second transition even I log everything. Maybe it would be clear if someone could explain me the logic behind this validator and also "Total Time Spent".

Have a nice day,


2 answers

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Berke Kavak August 8, 2018

I must admit that JIRA Cloud Version is one of the worst softwares that I have used.

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Tansu Akdeniz
Community Leader
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August 3, 2018

Hi @Berke Kavak,

What is the error for second transition?

Actually, there are different perspectives for tracking worklog/duration. One of them is to see total worklog for overall issue cycle independent from statuses. You can log work once (ex when you resolve the issue) or at a random time. Ex: my real effort for the issue is 2h, but total issue duration until Closed status could be 1d. 

If you want to measure the duration on every step, there are different ways, market add-ons that provide this functionality. So that, you can see Open to Progress, Progress to Resolved etc durations.

ps: Total Time Spent field, which can be added as a column in issue navigator page, is used to sum both parent and subtask worklogs.

Berke Kavak August 3, 2018

I get "It seems that you have tried to perform an illegal workflow operation." message. Although I enter "Time Spent" and "Remaining Estimate"  fields, I cannot pass to the next status. (I have implemented "Time Spent" validator on every transition).

Berke Kavak August 6, 2018
Tansu Akdeniz
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
August 8, 2018

You may check validators, postfunctions in that transition because there may be a wrong configuration. Also check the log files.

By the way, just to clarify, this a community place where everybody contribute, share, ask etc, not a support center ;)

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