Validator to only transition once all tickboxes have a value

Callum Carlile _Automation Consultants_
Community Leader
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January 8, 2019

I'm creating a list of tasks for someone to complete externally using the checkboxes field.

I would like to make a validator that only allows the transition button appear once every box has been ticked, but am not sure what groovy code I need to use for this.

Please may someone help! Also please assume that I have zero coding knowledge, which is very close to the truth!


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Udo Brand
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January 8, 2019

In order to hide the button you need to use a condition.

Lets say you have four checkboxes (values A, B, C, and D) in yourField. then use

yourField = A and yourField = B and yourField = C and yourField = D 

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