Using REST API, how to create an Issue (EPIC) under another Issue (Feature) in an existing Structure

Balaji June 15, 2018

My use case is to create issues and place them in an existing structure

I'm able to do this using GUI. (I create a Parent and then add the child)

How do I do this via REST API?

Any example/sample would help




2 answers

1 vote
Stepan Kholodov _ALM Works_
Marketplace Partner
Marketplace Partners provide apps and integrations available on the Atlassian Marketplace that extend the power of Atlassian products.
June 15, 2018

Hello Balaji,

You can find an example of creating a new issue in a structure here:
Please feel free to check the rest of the documentation on Structure REST API, there is a lot of useful information(and more examples).

In case you have more questions about API usage or need further assistance with this request, please reach us at our Service Desk portal - - and we will get back to you shortly.

Best regards,
Stepan Kholodov
ALM Works

Balaji June 20, 2018

I've gone through the link and I've the following queries

a) I plan to place the child issue under the parent issue. How do I get the Issue rowID of the parent issue in the structure? 

b) Whats the significance of pid

I created parent issue via REST POST method (but not in the structure). Then I manually pinned the issue to the structure. Then I moved the child issues under the parent. My query is how to achieve this (or equivalent) via Structure REST API.



0 votes
Tarun Sapra
Community Leader
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June 15, 2018

By existing structure do you mean that you are currently using Jira portfolio for place epic under feature.

Tarun Sapra
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
June 15, 2018

Just noticed that you are using structure plugin. All documentation here


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