Using JIRA for project management

Victor Lubuku November 30, 2018

Good day,

I want to use JIRA as my Project Management tool for implementation instead of tools such as SmartSheet in my department.

1. How can I set my Project plan in JIRA with the estimates and deadlines for each task and also create dependencies where and when required?

2. As I will have more than one project in implementation at the time, will making each smaller project a component of the bigger department's project be a usable option or will I have to create a project for each small project?

3. If I have to create a project for each small project in my department, how can I group all the project together to see how the department is doing as a whole and manage the resources accordingly?

4. Is it possible to add objects or project management add-on to present the project(s) as a Gant chart for example?

Looking forward to hearing from your expertise.


Victor L.


1 answer

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Troy Spetz
November 30, 2018

We user JIRA 7.12 server version.


JIRA is based on projects (i.e. it is the starting point for all work breakdown structures).


If you want to use 'higher-level constructs' above a JIRA project, I think you should consider licensing JIRA Portfolio.


(As we develop a single product, we use a single JIRA project. I have no experience with JIRA Portfolio. However, based on what I've read about the tool, this seems how you could aggregate multiple projects into a single higher-level view.)

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