Using CSV Import for Epic and Task but it orders all Epics first

Laurel Englehardt February 10, 2021

I am successfully able to import Epics and Tasks with the correct linking but it assigns all the Epics an issue number first and then the Tasks.  My csv file has them in the correct order.  Is there a way to have the import assign Epic 1, Task 1, Task 2, Epic 2, Task 3, Task 4, etc, instead of Epic 1, Epic 2, Task 1, Task 2, Task 3, Task 4, without doing a separate import for each Epic grouping?  thx

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Laurel Englehardt March 15, 2021

I found the answer.  By linking the ID in my csv file to Issue Key instead of Issue ID in the Jira import then it will append the project code to the number and they will all create in the order I specified in the csv file.

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Trudy Claspill
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February 10, 2021

Hello @Laurel Englehardt 

Welcome to the community.

I don't know if there is a way to do that. But I am curious why it is important that the issues you are imported be number in that particular order?

Laurel Englehardt February 11, 2021

I'm actually using it for project management and the Epics are my milestones.  For me they are tasks not issues.

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