Users Cannot Create Boards

Alexander Fosdick June 1, 2020

I am the site admin to a Jira Cloud Standard plan. 4 Users total. I am the only one that can create a Board.  I have done bad things like:
-Add everyone as a site-admin
-Created a new group (Called SharedObject). I have added that group to have access to all the global permissions including Make Bulk Changes, Manage Group filter Subscriptions, Share Dashboards and filters, Browse user and group, Administer Jira. Those are the only permissions I see.
-Added every group to every user

Not only can users not create a board, but we cannot create multiple boards in a project. It seems we can only create boards in a personal space.

What we want:
Create a Filter. Use that filter in a shared board so we can view status across projects. Each Sprint in each project is prefixed with ABC_1_2_3. Host that board in a ProjectAdmin project. Everyone can seen it.

What I don't want:
To be lectured on how I am managing permissions. We don't have a need to restrict access. There is no need to reduce access to anyone at my organiation. We will deal with that in the future.


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John Funk
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June 1, 2020

Hi Alexander - Welcome to the Atlassian Community!

I suspect the limitations you are running into are because you are creating Next-gen projects. If you create a Classic Software project, you might find that you can do the things you want to do as listed above. 

Alexander Fosdick June 1, 2020

Hi John! Thanks for the reply. We are doing next-gen. Do you know or know how to find out if there is planned support for something like this?

John Funk
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June 1, 2020
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Alexander Fosdick June 2, 2020

I have found the solution! Users can not see their boards if they haven't created one. So if you click your image and you do not see a "Your boards", its because you have not created one. In addition to fixing the shared objects permission. What you also need to do for a shared board workaround is prefix all of your sprints with the same title. For instance,

Then you can create a filter like so:
Sprint = XYZ-2020-06-01 AND project in (<LIST OF PROJECTS YOU WANT TO INCLUDE ON BOARD>) ORDER BY created DESC

Then create a Kanban board with this filter and you will see all your issues across projects.

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