User show inactive in jira

Suma Kustagi March 20, 2024


   Some users who belong to AD , some user shows inactive and few users are active in Jira.. We have checked in AD, the user is active but in jira it shows inactive. Can you please let me know how to resolve this issue.



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Trudy Claspill
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March 20, 2024

Hello @Suma Kustagi 

Have you configured an Identity Provider. Are you provisioning users into Atlassian from the IdP?

Suma Kustagi March 20, 2024

We are intransition from server to cloud. I was looking for Server instance.

Trudy Claspill
Community Leader
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March 20, 2024

Then in your server instance have you set up a User Directory that is integrated with Active Directory? And have you confirmed that a synchronization has completed successfully?

Suma Kustagi March 20, 2024

The synchronization is successfull, issue is with few users only ..They belong to same directory few users show active and few users show inactive for the same directory..

Trudy Claspill
Community Leader
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March 20, 2024

Is the AD User Directory  set to have the highest precedence?

What is difference between the affected users and ones not affected? What do the affected users have in common? Do they come from the same Org unit in AD? Are they in a common group?

Have you reviewed the log file for details about the synchronization? Jira may report a successful synchronization while still encountering errors for individual users.

Suma Kustagi March 20, 2024

The effected users common thing is they do not belong to any of the user group other than jira license, The users which not affected i see they are part of other groups as well.


Does restart of the server works ??

Trudy Claspill
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
March 21, 2024

Restarting the server is not guaranteed to fix the problem.

Have you reviewed the Schema Setting in the User Directory configuration and confirmed that the affected users are within the scope of those settings?

We recently had an issue where the settings were changed, and some users where no longer within the scope of the settings. Those users were no longer being updated in Jira to match Active Directory.

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