User not able to User Mention

Kelli Archer December 5, 2023

JIRA version 9.10.2

There are 3 users on the same project, 2 have just Administrator role assigned 1 has Administrator and User.

The User with Administrator and User roles can use the User Mention feature.

The Users with Administrator role are not able to use the User Mention feature when the issue is open on the board.  They can only enter User Mention when they open the issue in edit mode.  I added the user role so they mirror the user that can do the User Mention from the board and still not change.  Any other thoughts on troubleshooting, or is this a known issue?  

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Brant Schroeder
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April 16, 2024

@Kelli Archer - Do the users who are having issues with @ mentions have global permission Browse users and groups 

Kelli Archer April 30, 2024

Yes our users have the global permissions.  There are a few users that do not experience the issue, but most of the users see the same behavior.  And this is a recent development.  There was a point when all users were able to select the at mention from the board.

Brant Schroeder
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April 30, 2024

@Kelli Archer what changed?  Did you add a new app or upgrade?  Do the users that still have access have any additional permissions?

Kelli Archer April 30, 2024

At the time the user reported the issue we had not changed anything or added a plug in.  As for permissions they have the project roles Administrators and Users.  We are in the process of upgrading to 9.15 so we will retest to see if the upgrade could fix.

Brant Schroeder
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April 30, 2024

@Kelli Archer I know that you checked global permissions but can you look at this one more time and make sure everything is correct as well as the browse project permission. 

Kelli Archer April 30, 2024

Ok, if I am reading this correctly, I show the browse users is anyone on the web, and when I view the list of users, the person that reported the issue appears.

Brant Schroeder
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April 30, 2024

The users that are admins do they have browse project permission at the project level permission?

Kelli Archer May 2, 2024

Do mean the system admins or the project level admins.  I think so because we allow users on web, is there somewhere else I should confirm this?

Brant Schroeder
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May 2, 2024

@Kelli Archer you stated in your original post that the users with administrator role only  assigned could not do user mentions.  On the project where they are unable to do @mentions does the administrator role have brose user in the project permission scheme?

Kelli Archer May 7, 2024

The only "browse" feature I see displayed in the Project Permissions scheme is "Browse Project Archive" and "Browse Projects".  And this is true for all our projects.  So, it seems we do not have that turned on and I am not sure we ever did, but I need to check if maybe something changed that resulted in this issue.

Brant Schroeder
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May 7, 2024

@Kelli Archer sorry browse project in the project permission scheme.  What project roles have the ability to browse project?  Can you share a screenshot?

Kelli Archer May 8, 2024

I don't find a way to share a screen shot.  I tried copy and paste into the text box, but it did not work, and I do not see a way to attach a document.  These are the roles that are assigned to the Browse Projects - Administrators, Users, Viewers.  And I did confirm the user does have the Administrators and Users assigned to them within the project. 

Brant Schroeder
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May 8, 2024

@Kelli Archer hmmm.  Can you point out the difference between the users that are working and the ones that are not working again?  

Kelli Archer May 9, 2024

Not sure what I am pointing out, the user that was able to use the @mention on the board had the administrators and users role.  The 2 users reporting the @mention issue from the board had only the administrators role.  But after reporting and seeing the differences we added the User role for those 2 users and it still did not make a difference.  So, it seems it comes down to seeing if something changed at the global level; however, it just seems weird that the users could do it at one point with just administrators then it broke, we added the users role to mirror the user that still did have the capability and that still did not resolve the issue and the use that continually was able to use the feature was still working.


Brant Schroeder
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May 9, 2024

@Kelli Archer is the @mention issue only happening on the board or is it happening on the project associated with the board?

Kelli Archer May 10, 2024

Only on the board, so the workaround is to open the issue and use the @mention from there.

Brant Schroeder
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May 10, 2024

Can you share a screenshot.  I am trying to recreate. 


Kelli Archer May 13, 2024

Using the @mention character does not display valid users to select:


Opening the issue then the @mention feature displays a list of users:


For me this says the global permissions are set correctly because we can do it within the issue, just not from the board.

Brant Schroeder
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May 14, 2024

@Kelli Archer this one has me stumped.  I have tried to recreate it and cannot.  Here are some things that I found that you could look (most you already confirmed) at but at this point I would recommend submitting a support issue to Atlassian.  

Things to check (Most of them you already confirmed.)

  1. Ensure that the user has Browse User global permission, as in Managing Global Permissions
  2. Ensure that the user has Browse Project on the project permissions
  3. Ensure that the user has access to the filter feeding the board

I don't know if you have any apps that could be causing the issue.  You could also try reindexing to see if that fixes the issue.

Kelli Archer May 14, 2024

Brant, thank you so much for your diligence to help on this one, I really appreciate it.  We have re-indexed many times so checked that one off.  I am a system admin and I am experiencing the issue, but I will check the filters on the board, had not checked that.  We are also in the process of upgrading to 9.15.2 so was going to test with the new version to see if that will change anything.

If after all this nothing changes, we will create a support ticket and see if our plug-ins may be causing any issues.

Take care

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Kelli Archer May 31, 2024

Hi Brant,

Just in case you are interested, we upgraded JIRA to version 9.15.2 and this issue seems to be resolved.  So, either something on the JIRA side, or maybe our side seemed to resolve.   Thanks again for all your advice and attention to my inquiry.  Take care and hope to chat with you again.

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