User Story keeps moving from current sprint to backlog

Coco S Chaussée May 22, 2019

I created a user story and its sub-tasks then cloned it.  Both stories were in the backlog at first, then I moved them to a sprint.  The original went to the sprint and stayed there, but the cloned one keeps coming back to the backlog.

I tried adding the sprint in the detail view, dragging it to the sprint, and right-click MOVE TO the sprint - same thing.... it let's me do it - no errors - it will show in the sprint, but as soon as I refresh the page, it's back in the backlog.

The History only shows the "move to sprint" actions - not the "move to backlog" action.

I'm in a NextGen project.

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Cody Stevens
Rising Star
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May 22, 2019

Hey @Coco S Chaussée 

This sounds more like a bug with Next Gen. I would recommend reaching out to Atlassian Support

Coco S Chaussée May 22, 2019

Thank you @Cody Stevens 

I submitted a ticket.

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SLCarter November 13, 2019

I'm getting this same issue on a Jira Server with a Scrum based project (not next gen as Jira server does not have next gen), without cloning the story.

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Deleted user June 5, 2019

Just curious, you created a user story and its sub-tasks then cloned it.

Can you share the Use Case on why you cloned "it"...



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