User Picker doesn't show

Bryan Wilcutt
I'm New Here
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May 15, 2019

I have a user on a Linux box running Chrome and Firefox.  When using "@" to address a user in a comment, the user picker never shows.  It shows on other Linux systems, so I don't think it's an OS thing.

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Petter Gonçalves
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 16, 2019

Hello Bryan,

Welcome to Atlassian community!

I understood that you are using JIRA Cloud and once you type @ to mention users in a comment from a specific Linux computer the user's list is not displayed, however, from other Linux computers it works properly. Is it correct?

If I understood it properly, here are the four most probable possibilities that can be causing the problem:

1 - Make sure you are not logged with different users on both computers

2 - Try to clear your browser cache or try incognito mode in the computers which you can reproduce the problem

3 - Check if the browsers that you are using are not configured with any blocks to Atlassian domains of IPs - Try to configure it in the same way it is configured in the computer which works

4 - Check if the computer is not on a different network and may have a proxy or firewall that might be blocking Atlassian IPs:

Atlassian Cloud IP ranges and domains

Let us know if these instructions helped.

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