User Accounts Not Matching on Import from CSV File

Doug Slay December 20, 2024

When importing data via the External System Import utility, the user fields from the CSV file are not matching user accounts in Jira.  The CSV file contains the user name as "dslay".  The user account in Jira is  Why will it not match on "dslay"?  If I update the CSV file to use the full email address it matches and the import goes successfully.


I just cannot manually edit all of my CSV files to match this change across all of the user fields (Assignee, Reporter, Comments, Work Log, etc.


Any ideas?

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Florian Bonniec
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December 20, 2024
Doug Slay December 20, 2024

What is the recommended approach then for updating the CSV file export out of Jira to include the full username instead of just the portion prior to the domain?


Florian Bonniec
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December 20, 2024

I use to create users first, then in my csv reference the user email instead of the username. Did that for DC to Cloud migration when migration assistant did not exist.

Doug Slay December 20, 2024

I would do that, but I will be importing thousands of records with tens of thousands of user references across the different fields.  I twill be almost impossible to manually update all of the references prior to import.


I am especially worried about the Comments and WorkLog fields since these fields are text strings and not something I could map prior to the import.

Florian Bonniec
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December 20, 2024

Not sure what your context is but I usually export all user info (username and email) then use a python script to replace them in my CSV file. 

I was using a list to store all replaced user so I knew the user that need to be created. 

Doug Slay December 20, 2024

The issue are the Comment and Worklog fields in the CSV file.  These fields contain a string of text which include the username.


Ex: 17/Dec/24 10:24 AM;dslay;Feature finished.;;;

Would the Python script have to read all text across all fields and look for a list of specific text characters and then replace that text with the associated email address?

Florian Bonniec
Community Leader
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December 20, 2024

I remember doing a global replace based on ;username; by ;email; based on my user list. Not sure if there is better way to do it now.

Also managed the ~ or @ for mention using reg ex. It took me a lot of try and error but finally end up working for migration from DC to Cloud or Cloud to DC.


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