Use Classes that are not accessible directly form pico container

AnupamS June 16, 2020

Hi Community,


I want to understand how to use some of the classes/implementations which are not available directly from ComponentAccessor.


Example: If I want to use userManager or customFieldManger (public APIs), I can invoke the ComponentAccessor to get these. If I want to access classes/implementations like LoginStore or LoginInfo, I am not sure how should I inject in my groovy script.

ComponentAccessor.getOSGiComponentInstanceOfType(LoginStoreImpl.class) is returning null on which I cannot apply any method. I am not sure whats the best way to instantiate.


Any tips on how should I instantiate and use these kind classes which are not marked @PublicAPI



1 answer

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AnupamS June 26, 2020

@Amber Morey-Wu any help with this?

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