Unable to search unrecognizable DateTime format in Jira Lucene index

Tormod Haugene
October 3, 2017

I am trying to perform a date range search directly on the Lucene index generated by Atlassian Jira. Following this guide, I hva ended up building my query in the following manner:


Which gives the Lucene query:

customfield_10106:[2010-01-10-00-00-00 TO 2020-12-10-00-00-00]

However, this search yields no results, due the format DateTime values stored in the Lucene index. 

How should I write my query to search these encoded dates?


Examples of indexed data:

The DateTime values are stored as shown in the following picture from Luke:

enter image description here


A closeup of the DateTime values stored:

enter image description here

Here is what the first result looks like from the IntelliJ debugger:


enter image description here




2 answers

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
October 4, 2017

JIRA stores dates in Lucene as the number of seconds since the Epoch (1 January 1970) in Lucene long prefix-coded format.

When viewing these values in Luke, use the 'Long (prefix-coded)' option under 'Show content as:' to show this value:


Programatically, using the JIRA API, you can use LuceneUtils.dateToString() or stringToDate() to go the other way.  Or using the Lucene API, you can interpret the string value as a number of seconds by using NumericUtils.prefixCodedToLong() or longToPrefixCoded().

Try making a TermRangeQuery with lowerTerm and upperTerm filled in using LuceneUtils.dateToString(). 

Tormod Haugene
October 6, 2017

Thank you for the thorough explanation! Using the LuceneUtils.dateToString(someDate) worked like a charm. Thanks! :-) 

0 votes
Tormod Haugene
October 6, 2017

For future reference, here how I ended up making the range query. Thanks to Peter!


private Query getSampleRangeQuery() {
Date lower = new GregorianCalendar(2017, Calendar.AUGUST, 1).getTime();
Date upper = new GregorianCalendar(2017, Calendar.SEPTEMBER, 31).getTime();
return new TermRangeQuery("customfield_10106", LuceneUtils.dateToString(lower), LuceneUtils.dateToString(upper), true, true);

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