Unable to file a bug

Ramandeep Dhir
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May 16, 2019

JIRA is causing a lot of issues today. I am unable to file a bug. Below is the error which is displayed on screen:


JIRA — Internal Server Error

Sorry, we had some technical problems during your last operation.

Error reference: 6768ce70-cdaf-46b7-b4be-cddf5ead83f7

2 answers

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Jack Brickey
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May 16, 2019

There was an issue with some cloud instances yesterday. We experienced this as well but it should be resolved at this time. If not, reach out to Atlassian Support.

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Rising Star
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May 16, 2019

Hi @Ramandeep Dhir ,

Could You please more information?

What see in log files of JIRA 'C:\Atlassian\Application Data7\JIRA\log\atlassian-jira.log' (path may been different) 


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