Unable to create issue with provided data via Post-Function

Equipe recette December 5, 2018

Unable to create issue with provided data via Post-Function


In the definition of one transition, it has defined a post-function to clone the issue. When the transition is applied => systematic message "

Unable to create issue with provided data. : root cause: Error occurred while creating issue through workflow:

Il semble que vous ayez essayé d'exécuter une opération de flux de travaux non autorisée.

Si vous pensez que ce message est faux, Veuillez contacter vos administrateurs JIRA.


1 answer

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kavi shree
Rising Star
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December 5, 2018

Hi @Equipe recette


Some of the causes are

1.Destination workflow may have any condition on create transition.

2.There may be any required fields while created in destination project.


Please check for the above


Equipe recette December 6, 2018

Thanks for your quick reply!
in fact, there is creation condition : required fileds validator for 2 fields
but these fields have already been indicated in the source issue ! Furthermore the cloners in place is at the last position as post function !
the error message is not logical !

Please tell me more about this issue

Equipe recette December 7, 2018

This issue is workarounded by :

- removing the "required fileds validator for 2 fields"

- replacing it by setting the 2 fields as mandatory


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