Unable to create an additional board to my project

Johann Kuldmäe November 1, 2022

So i've done some Googling, asking people with admin reach and digged trough the community, but haven't found an answer yet.

I understand that it should be possible to add several boards under my software project, but when I try to do so, I can't choose any projects from the project dropdown and therefore I can't complete the action of creating a new board. Any ideas would be highly appreciated!

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Tom Lister
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November 1, 2022

Hi @Johann Kuldmäe 

You can create as many boards as you wish.

Go to My Work/Boards/View all Boards

To the top right you will see a board create button.

If you want boards to fulfil different view criteria then you would need to the create from a filter option rather than a project. I'm assuming you may already have the basic project based board and wish to setup something more focussed on a particular aspect.

Further than that you would need to supply more details of your objective to get more detailed advice. Many boards can get confusing.

Johann Kuldmäe November 1, 2022

Thanks @Tom Lister 

Indeed, I would like to create a separate board for design tasks, but the thing is that I cannot create a new board. I have admin rights, but when I try to create a new scrum or kanban board, there are no projects to be chosen from. I'll link a screenshot as wellScreenshot 2022-11-01 221108.jpg

Tom Lister
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November 2, 2022

Hi @Johann Kuldmäe 

Are you saying you have access to existing projects and boards but when you try to create a new board there are no projects in the drop down?

It is possible to be admin and not have project rights granted. Its not a best practice and admins can always grant themselves permissions.

Seeing projects via the admin psges is different to accessing project issues by normal menus.

Can you confirm your perms on the project you want to use? 
I’d also have to check if you are prevented from creating second project based boards if one already exists. In which case you could create a filter on the project issues and base the boards on that.

Scrum boards are limited to one unless you have parallel sprints enabled

Johann Kuldmäe November 4, 2022

Thanks @Tom Lister 
I do have access and I even let the super admin check. They can't choose any projects from the list either.

Parallel sprints were disabled, but we enabled it now and still nothing.

Also tried copying the board or creating a board from the customer filters, but still nothing :( 

Johann Kuldmäe November 14, 2022

@Tom Lister do you have any other suggestions we could try?

Tom Lister
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November 14, 2022

Hi @Johann Kuldmäe 

The only behaviour I can create that is remotely like this is by using Team Managed projects.

I find that if I create a new board, the only projects I am presented with in the dropdown are company managed projects. No team managed projects are shown. Are all your projects team managed?

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Tom Lister
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November 14, 2022

HI @Johann Kuldmäe 

Looks like there is a restriction if you are using team managed projects.

There is a feature request here


Johann Kuldmäe November 14, 2022

Indeed, that's the case @Tom Lister - thank you!

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