Unable to bulk resolve closed issues

abhishek.deshrajsharma September 3, 2019

Went through the steps provided in here

Still unable to mark resolved on my tickets/issues in bulk.

Need help.

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abhishek.deshrajsharma September 3, 2019

I resolved my own issue.

Actually I had only created a draft of the workflow changes as described in the link and hadn't really published it.

After publishing it worked.

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Krister Broman _Advania_
Rising Star
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September 3, 2019

Where does the process fail?

As the process states you mark them resolved by transitioning them to a status, it is that transition that resolve the issue. 

Have you tried following the process with just one ticket, does that give the same issue? 

abhishek.deshrajsharma September 3, 2019

I tried for single issues as well but it didn't work.

Later realized I had only created a draft of the workflow changes as describe in the link and not published it.

Thanks for the help anyways!

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