Unable to authenticate using basic_auth, 403 forbidden

kashish_121 June 15, 2021

I am trying to connect to my jira. Authentication is forbidden(403).

However the same code worked a day before. I was able to get, create as well as delete an issue.

this.jira = new JiraClient({ host: "jira.mydomain.com", basic_auth: { username: username, password: password } });

I used basic_auth with username and password.


"statusCode":403,"body":"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n<html>\n\n<head>\n <title>Forbidden (403)</title>\n \n\n\n\n<!--[if IE]><![endif]-->\n<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n (function() {\n var contextPath = '';\n\n function printDeprecatedMsg() {\n if (console && console.warn) {\n console.warn('DEPRECATED JS - contextPath global variable has been deprecated since 7.4.0. Use `wrm/context-path` module instead.');


Here's a snippet of the error i am getting.

Using typescript, nodejs, jira-connect 


Thank You

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