Trying to proxy jira and confluence with apache, but it's displayed the apache default page

Tiberiu Manolescu October 19, 2018

Hello everyone,

I have installed on the same VM jira nd confluence server. On another VM I have installed Apache web server. I tried to proxy jira and confluence with apache by following this tutorial but in the end, when I'm accesing or , web browser displays me the apache default web page. Am I missing something? 



As I can see, I can access but I want to access it without port and context path


Please help

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Petr Vaníček
Rising Star
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October 20, 2018


probably you set context path for both applications in their server.xml conf file.

If it's true, then stop applications and edit server.xml for each appplications like here how-to-change-the-jira-application-context-path. After that start both apps.

If you can access it now by port and context path after that you should be able access it over URL without port and context path.

Let me know if you will need some kind of help.

Tiberiu Manolescu October 20, 2018


Yes, I set the context path on both applications. One is set to /jira and another one is set to /confluence. I will make the changes and tell you if it's working. Thank you for support



Is a little confusing for me. Should I remove the context path, or should I have the context path like "/jira" ? If is the second option, than this was made from beginning :(

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