Trying to get issues list via REST API using Basic Auth

Sergiy Lavryk
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July 24, 2019

I need to import issues into our internal CRM system, so I'm playing with Jira REST API using PAW.

Unfortunately I can't get anything :(

Any help is appreciated.

(Maybe it's because I'm on trial plan right now)


Same using CURL


Please help! :)

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Aleksandr Zuevich
Rising Star
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July 25, 2019

Hi @Sergiy Lavryk ,

Do you see any issues when you're at Issues and filters - All issues?


Sergiy Lavryk July 25, 2019

Yep. And I can see JSON with data if I put that search url into browser where I logged in.

Aleksandr Zuevich
Rising Star
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July 25, 2019


It seems that it is due to authorization method...

I tried this endpoint without any authorization and it returns 200 instead of expected 401.

Do you use API token?

Sergiy Lavryk July 25, 2019

Yes, it’s on screenshot.

Aleksandr Zuevich
Rising Star
Rising Star
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July 25, 2019

@Sergiy Lavryk , please double check your email here and token from here

I've just reproduced your behavior in postman with Basic Auth. When I input correct email to Username and copied API token to Password it becomes to work correctly:


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Sergiy Lavryk July 25, 2019

Well, I did twice :( and if I use wrong token - API gives me error

Sergiy Lavryk July 25, 2019

You was right! There is some VERY weird relation between id and actual jira site... By some reason I have two accounts, but maybe was logged in into different ones at these two sites.

all set, thanks

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