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  • Trying multiple times to evaluate Greenhopper, We keep getting gh.license.bad.string as an error to any dashboard objects I try to use

Trying multiple times to evaluate Greenhopper, We keep getting gh.license.bad.string as an error to any dashboard objects I try to use

Marc Pflieger January 14, 2013

I followed the instructions for the trial. I have activated multiple evaluation licenses, but each time I get the same problem where I am unable to use greenhopper's tools in my onDemand JIRA.

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John Chin
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
January 14, 2013

Hi there,

Can you try add the instance by logging in to my.atlassian.com and clicking the Configure link next to your OnDemand product. Then, try test it again?

Marc Pflieger January 14, 2013

Thank you so much... this was nagging me for months, and I really did not have the time to dig very deep. That worked!

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