Time tracking widget shows wrong user hours as it duplicates them with one user that left

janez_m May 14, 2024

We use LDAP for users and when the leave we remove their groups and deactivate them. This is the first time we had an issue with a user that left.

In Worklog tab I can see that he logged hours, but the username is just JIRAUSERxxxxx which is ok. The issue arises in the right column called Time Tracking, where one users has his hours displayed and then once again under his name the hours from the user that left. So his username is displayed twice - once for correct hours and then the second time for the hours from the user that left. His JIRAUSER id is different than the one that left.

I did not see issues anywhere else but in this widget that displays the cumulative hours for a task.

I have searched for a solution but also couldn't find anybody with a similar issue.

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