Time stamp for particular fields of issues in Big Picture

LK July 2, 2019

Dear Atlassian-Community,

I am currently looking for a way to show when a field of an issue was last edited. Example: 

Field 1: "Budget available" : 10.000 

Field 2: "Last change to "Budget available"" : ZZ/XX/YYYY 

The idea is to end up with a nice overview when "Budget available" was last updated for all issues. The goal would be that Field 2: "Last change to "Budget available"" would update automatically whenever a change in Field 1 occurs. 

Disclaimer: I am well aware that Jira is not intended for budget tracking but for this purpose it will do. 

If there is an solution for this, it would be truly amazing. If not, we will need to this manually.

Best regards,


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Antoine Berry
Community Leader
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July 3, 2019

Hi @LK ,

You would need an app for such an automation like ScriptRunner.

LK July 4, 2019

Thanks Antoine! I will have a look into that even though this is propably more complex than what we need at this level.



Antoine Berry
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
July 4, 2019

Good luck ! It might take a bit of time to dig in, but it is worth the effort (imo). And there are a lot of resources out there. And of course the community. :)

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