Time Tracking for each phase of a task/issue

Aradhana liyanage June 27, 2013

Is it possible to track the time spending details when the task is put to "in progress" and sent to verification (close). This is because we need to get the development time of a perticular issue. before comming to the task into "in progress" it goes through "Requirement elaboration", Estimating process, DOD verification Process.. developers report time into these phases too. so how to get the pure development effort

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Alex Perez
Rising Star
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June 27, 2013

With tempo plugin, you can establish worklog attributes, or accounts to have time spent classified by the type of work.

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Udo Brand
Rising Star
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June 27, 2013

The only solution I can think of, is to have for each phase a separate task or subtask (different issue types), respectively. Those you could track, easily.

Aradhana liyanage June 30, 2013


Thanks for the reply. But this has a direct link with the Estimation we put for a task if development time deviate from the estimation, it is also taken as a measurement. If the deviation is very big either we have to work on our estimation process or have to provide lacking knowledge (training) for the developer

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