Time Tracking - How to track time in tickets?

emilia@rise.co December 5, 2018

Time tracking is enabled in my Configuration, but there is no way to start/stop a time clock within tickets. Please help. 

I'd like to be able to start and stop a time tracker within each ticket.

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Mikael Sandberg
Community Leader
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December 5, 2018

Hi Emilia,

Welcome to the Atlassian Community.

Time tracking allows you to enter an Original Estimate when creating an issue, if you have added the Time Tracking field to the screen, and you can log work against the issue. There is no option to start a time tracker; if you want one you need an app like Tempo Timesheets, or any of the other time tracking apps available on the Atlassian Marketplace.

emilia@rise.co December 6, 2018

Thanks Mikael! 

I thought there was a native way to start the time tracker. It's unfortunate that there is not, but thanks for clarifying. 

In that case, is the assumption for generating velocity and burndown based on manual time entries? 

I'll look into the apps in the Marketplace. Is Tempo your recommendation? 



Mikael Sandberg
Community Leader
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December 6, 2018

Correct, the reports are based on the manual entries.

Yes, I would recommend Tempo. A couple of years ago we did an evaluation of different time tracking apps and in the end we Tempo because is suited our needs. But it all depends on what you are looking for.

emilia@rise.co December 7, 2018

Great, thank you!

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Joshwa Marcalle
Rising Star
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December 10, 2018

Hi Emilia, 

We use this great app for this: 

Hope this helps


emilia@rise.co December 11, 2018

Hey Josh, 

Appreciate it. The automation seems quite nice and bundled with hours reports, key insights are there. 

Do you know if the logged hours tie into Jira reports? 


Thank you!


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