Ticket doesnt Show up for everyone.

scherdin June 11, 2024

I have problem in a Kanban Board where some Tickets don't show up for certain People. There should be at least 10 Tickets in the Bottom row. I have the System Admin and every role on the Board, and they still don't show up. Even if they are visible to someone else.

2024-06-11 13_16_05-QB Board - Agile Board - Jira.png

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Trudy Claspill
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June 11, 2024

Hello @scherdin 

Is it true that on this specific board some people see the issues and others do not, when

- they are viewing the board at the same time, and

- none of the filters above the board are selected, and

- the Group By and View Settings are set the same way?

I see that the board encompasses issues from more than one project. I see issues from the QB and IT projects. Are the missing issues from one of those projects?

What are the Types of those projects? Get that information from the Type column on the View All Projects page under the Projects menu.

Has Issue Security been implemented for the project(s) where the missing issues reside?

Trudy Claspill
Community Leader
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June 12, 2024

Hello @scherdin 

You marked my response as Answer Accepted. Did you find the root cause of your issue? If so, can you share that here to help others learn from your experience?

scherdin June 12, 2024

Sorry I clicked it on accident, no the Problems is not solved for some reason the tickets that show up for me in ,,Themensammlung” don't show up for him. And the board Configuration is also different for him, I also shelved the Status To Do, but he can still pull it into the Swim lane. It kinda looks like he still works on an older Version of the Board.

Trudy Claspill
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
June 12, 2024

Hello @scherdin 

Jira doesn't keep versions of boards.

The two of you may be accessing entirely separate agile boards.

The URL for the agile board will include a unique numeric ID for the board. Compare the URLs for the boards the two of you are accessing to see if it is the same or different boards. Jira does allow multiple boards to have identical names, so the numeric ID is the only way to know with certainty which board you are viewing.

scherdin June 12, 2024

That was the Problem, thank you very much.

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