The start and end dates of the Gantt chart are changing automatically.

萌恵 小管 November 14, 2023


Automatic schedule correction is enabled in the Gantt chart settings.


The start and end dates of tickets are changing automatically.

Specific Example:

Start Date: 2023/10/18

End Date: 2023/12/4

  * Automatically adjusted without any manual settings

Start Date: 2023/9/18

End Date: 2024/2/5


image.pngNo ticket has an end date set for 2024.

Actions Taken:

Try to modifying exact date on the Gantt chart.-Didn't work

Modifying dates of parent/Child tickets and linked tickets.-Didn't work. Even though once I modify the date, it changes automatically.

Turning off automatic schedule correction →It works, but inconvenience arises due to the lack of automatic correction. Therefore I would like to understand the root cause.


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Raphael Nascimento [Ricksoft Inc.] November 22, 2023

Hello @萌恵 小管 , welcome to the Community 👋🏻

Thank you for posting - Raphael from WBS Gantt-Chart support team here.

Some of our customers are facing the same issue as you, and our current workaround to avoid this issue is by deactivating the Automatic schedule as you mentioned. Nevertheless rest assured our team is investigating the root cause of this issue!

Unfortunately, we haven't found the root cause for this issue yet, however we'll bring to you further findings as soon as we can.

If you feel more comfortable, you can raise a support ticket to us on our support webpage and track your request easier and share other questions as well 😄

Kind Regards, 

Raphael N. | Support Engineer 
Ricksoft Support Team

nebbs August 20, 2024

Hi @Raphael Nascimento [Ricksoft Inc.] I also have the same issue but with WBS Gantt on Data Center (ver. And as far as I can see I cant disable any modules related to scheduling. Is there maybe any other way to stop automatic re-scheduling?

This has become a huge blocking point in using WBS Gantt for Jira.  

Charlotte Santos
August 20, 2024

Hi @nebbs

Thank you for replying! I’m Charlotte from WBS Gantt-chart support team.

I'd like to inform you that we are aware of this bug. The issue was escalated to our R&D team, and they are actively engaged in rectifying it.

The workaround is to set the Manual Mode to Yes, this will prevent this phenomenon. You can refer to our documentation regarding this matter here. It’s the Manual Mode column on Gantt-Chart, as follows:


This should clarify things out for you, however don't hesitate to share your doubts or questions about the app, we'll be happy to help you! 😉

Feel free to contact us through our support portal as well.

All the best, 

Charlotte S. | Support Engineer
Ricksoft Support Team

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nebbs August 21, 2024

Hi @Charlotte Santos thanks for the answer. 

Does this men that I have to manually move each task in a Gantt chart? Because in projects where we have a large amount of issues this can take quite a long time, and it should be an automated activity (if confirmed by the admin). 

Just a thought. :)  

Charlotte Santos
August 21, 2024

Hi @nebbs

Yes, unfortunately, at the moment that's the only workaround we have. You need to manually set the Manual Mode to Yes to all the issues you need to in your Gantt.

We're sorry for the inconvenience and like I said before, the team is actively engaged in rectifying this issue.

Please let us know if we can be of assistance in any other way.

Kind regards, 

Charlotte S. | Support Engineer
Ricksoft Support Team

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