The JIRA Announcement banner stops loading javascript?

Robert Matthews
August 16, 2011

The javascript is properly inserted in the banner, but fails to load when viewing individual issues. The reported error points to the triggerConfig variable in the viewissue.js file.


SCRIPT5007: Unable to get value of the property 'FocusConfiguration': object is null or undefined

jira.webresources:viewissue.js, line 3 character 320

JScript Debugger highlights -- {var triggerConfig=new jira.setFocus.FocusConfiguration() as being the part that is null.

The Announcment banner has worked in the past, but no longer appears to load the scripts. Does anyone have any ideas of a possible cause? Thanks.

2 answers

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Jimmy Woestman May 8, 2013

I just ran into the same issue in my environment. As a workaround I removed the Javascript from the Announcement Banner and registered it a resource in a plugin.

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NSPK November 2, 2016

put this code in banner body to hide Votes in People web item

jQuery(document).ready(function() {

Works in JIRA 7.0.4

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