Task Progress displaying

Gor Greyan
April 16, 2024

Hi Dear Community.

Please let me know, is there any add-on, that I can use to mention task progress/success by measure, for example by amount, by percentage and etc.

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Nikola Perisic
Community Leader
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April 16, 2024

Welcome to the community @Gor Greyan 

For having the issues in progress by a count, you can create a new dashboard with the gadget "Issues in progress".

As for showing the percentage of these issues, you can use https://marketplace.atlassian.com/apps/1219429/status-progress-report-sum-up-dashboard-gadget-for-jira?hosting=cloud&tab=overview app. It's free and it has lots of installs and a nice grade.

Gor Greyan
April 16, 2024

Hi Dear @Nikola Perisic
Thanks for the answer, but the issue is that, that I want to do the following.

When the ticket is closed, it doesn't mean for me,  that it is done. I should measure its effectiveness some times later, by giving that task measure, for example, that is done for 70%. I want that add-on, to give some measure to the task and it is displayed on the task.

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