I am new to JIra and created an admin account at the non-profit organization I work at to try and consolidate everyone's tasks and information on those tasks.
I want to be able to view the "Jira Calender" in my gmail and/or outlook calender. Just syncing the subject and due date would be able to set various reminders through the calender rather then Jira. The "reminder" solutions I have seen in the forum cost money. I am just starting to understand the software more myself and am slowly trying to onboard people I work with, but it will be a while before the people I think it will help the most will benefit from it so I have no funds/ability to pay for anything.
I had seen this solution: https://reliex.com/blog/how-to-display-your-jira-tasks-in-my-outlook-calendar/#:~:text=Open%20your%20Microsoft%20Outlook%20Calendar,appear%20in%20Microsoft%20Outlook%20Calendar. but my Jira software doesn't look like that or have the "account option" or administration heading