Swimlanes by Epic don't work in a Kanban dashboard

Charles Delaporte
June 26, 2019


I have created a Kanban board and I want swimlanes = Epics

However, the board does not display any swim lane.

When running the same filter on an issue search view, it does return some Epic links but not the Epic names.

With other boards, I don't face this issue and I am able to see swim lanes by Epic

Any suggestion how to fix this?


- screen copies of the board set-up parameters and result (i.e. no swim lane)

- screen copy of the issue search view (using the same filter as the board)

- example of another board with swim lanes by Epic (works as expected)2019-06-26_18-10-38.png2019-06-26_18-06-02.png2019-06-26_18-04-22.png2019-06-26_17-37-29.png2019-06-26_17-51-37.png

5 answers

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Charles Delaporte
June 26, 2019

Solved. The filter that I used was excluding Epics

Lucas Boczkowski September 30, 2021

Hi Charles, I have the same problem. My filter contains epics but the option "swimlane by epic" is NOT working.

By the way, I'm using a team managed project, with epics, stories, and subtasks.

What did you do to solve it?


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Aviad Herman
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December 8, 2020

It's not a bug, It's because some filters accidentally filter out Epics.
For example most companies don't assign people or sprints to epics so if you filter by one of those - you unintentionally filter out all epics. The easy solution is adding Type = Epic to your JQL.

For example:

  • project = myproject AND sprint = mysprint
    Does not show swimlanes because it filters our my epics.

  • project = ED AND (sprint = mysprint OR type = Epic)
    Works perfectly!
wouter de wit October 13, 2022

Nope. My filter includes epics. Still no swimlane. 



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Nancy Bonanno
September 30, 2020

My filter makes no mention of epics and several of these tickets have epics, but when I set the swimlanes to epics, it only produces one lane with all the tickets that don't have an epic?

Filip Basara
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October 5, 2020

Same issue here. I noticed it only happening when the filter includes specific assignees. The moment I remove that from the filter, all Epic swimlanes show up.

Nancy Bonanno
October 5, 2020

Hmmm.  I must test that!

October 23, 2020

I've also the same issues.
Tickets with epics assigned are not visible when creating a Kanban board based on a valid filter with Swimlanes as Epics.

It feels indeed like a bug

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Aviv Shavit
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February 4, 2021

vote +1 
if no swimlanes selected - all issue
if epic swimlanes selected - single lane with issues with no epic assigned 

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Daniel Duke
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August 25, 2020

What would one do if their query doesn't exclude "type=Epic" yet some epics are missing?

0 votes
Murilo da Costa
May 18, 2023

I had a filter that included epics but had an issuetype not in (initiatives, epic, improvement) that excluded the epics and, consequently, the epic swimlanes. I've fixed that and now I have epic swimlanes

wouter de wit November 15, 2023

Please tell me that this comment is a joke. 

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November 20, 2023

It's probably a bot posting highly questionable links. Searching on the word 'swim' to post links that look reasonable.

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