Sudden account deactivations and unable to reactivate them.

Justin Driggers May 24, 2024

Woke up this morning to my Jira users saying they could no longer access their accounts on Atlassian.
When i checked, sure enough, a bunch of accounts are now "deactivated".
However, despite being the Org Admin, I'm unable to reactivate their accounts.
The documentation here is inaccurate as we don't leverage "managed accounts": 

Please tell me how i can reactivate my users???!!!

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Trudy Claspill
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May 24, 2024

Hello @Justin Driggers 

Welcome to the Atlassian community.

I recommend that you open a support case directly with Atlassian Support for this issue.

Justin Driggers May 24, 2024

Thank you, Yes i have done so:


Trudy Claspill
Community Leader
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May 24, 2024

If you are not using managed accounts, then there are three causes I can think of.

1. The account is managed by the user themselves and they requested it be deactivated.

2. The user account is in a domain that has been claimed and verified by somebody else, and that entity has deactivated the account.

3. Atlassian, for some reason, has deactivated the account.


What happens when the user goes to and enters their credentials? Are they entering their login and password directly, or are they using one of the other sign in options like Google, Microsoft, Apple, or Slack? Are they able to login to Atlassian Cloud at all, but then get blocked trying to access the Jira product?

Justin Driggers May 24, 2024

Thank you for your response! To answer your question, I'm not certain yet.
Although i can tell you that a few of the users accounts that were "deactivated" are now showing up as Active. When i asked, they said they simply refreshed the page and were able to load the Jira board again.

I did some perusing on the audit log and found the entries where something was indeed changed, however no author was noted or source could be identified of the change.

Definitely odd behavior. 

I will follow up after the long weekend after i get more info from my users UX


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