Subtasks vs Stories - swimlanes problem

Mahesh Kannan Thangavelu May 31, 2020

Main story remains with the Original developer but the subtasks are assigned to lets say one for QA, one for Code review etc. So, before the story is ready, it is already shown in the dashboard for them. How do we prevent this problem?

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Stephen Wright _Elabor8_
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May 31, 2020

Hi @Mahesh Kannan Thangavelu

You mention swimlanes in the title - but dashboards in the question - is this an issue on the board itself or a dashboard gadget (such as "Assigned to Me")?

Depending on the answer, there are a few options - such as:

  • JQL: Limit what is visible via JQL. You could limit when sub-tasks appear on the board - for example if sub-tasks are not in "Ready for Dev", they're not visible.
  • Automation: Automate the process. Perhaps for the JQL option you automate the move to "Ready for Dev" on sub-tasks so having an extra status isn't too arduous. Or automate creation of the sub-tasks when the story is in "Ready for Dev" - to avoid the sub-task confusion up front.
  • Process: Or simply, don't assign the sub-tasks until the story is ready. This might not be a system issue, but a way of working one.


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