SubTask in Kanban Board

Marcela Junyent
Rising Star
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December 27, 2018

The following document:



An issue will only be visible in the Kanban board if:

the issue is not a sub-task,
But when I create subtask I can See them and move them independetly from the parent issue.





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Jack Brickey
Community Leader
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December 27, 2018

@Marcela Junyent, i suspect the document is dated as I recall sub-tasks did not show up in older versions. Do you have a question about this or just pointing out the discrepancy? If you wish to hide them you can either change the board's filter (always hide) or add a quick filter (hide/unhide.)

Jack Brickey
Community Leader
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December 27, 2018

FWIW, my $0.02 is to go with what you observe to be true. I have pinged some Atlassian folks to check on the accuracy of the document and will reply here if/when I hear back. Good luck w/ ACP-300.

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Jack Brickey
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December 27, 2018

@Marcela Junyent, chatted w/ someone at Atlassian. They have created this issue to track updating the doc - JRASERVER-68632 

thanks for reporting your observation!

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Marcela Junyent
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
December 27, 2018

I'm studying for the ACP-300. An trying to check the characteristic of subtask in board and reports.
Any recommendation?

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