Storage and time of tickets - Jira Cloud Software

Margherita Salucci
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November 7, 2018

Do you maybe know if there are any limitations to the Cloud Jira Software usage in terms of time and storage capacity? I mean, how many tickets (incl. attachments) can be stored in the Jira Cloud? How long are the tickets stored and available?

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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November 7, 2018

There are limits - the disk space for smaller systems is limited to 25Gb (including the installation, database and attachments), and then 100Gb for larger ones.  If you go over that, then Atlassian will start talking to you about how to reduce it or move up to more storage.   Most people won't and when they do it's usually because they've tried to attach way too much - Cloud is not a file store!

The issues are stored until you delete them or let the account lapse (stop paying, or shut it down)

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