Status new

November 26, 2024


I want help on the users request where the user states

"We would like tickets with the status " New " to apear in our Backlog. For now these tickets do not apear in our backlog view."


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Trudy Claspill
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November 26, 2024

Hello @Vidya VASUDEVAN 

What type of project are you using? Get that information by going to the View All Projects page under the Projects menu, finding the project in the list, and then look at the information in the Type column.

Are you using a Kanban board or a Scrum board?

Do the issues in that status appear elsewhere in the board, or are they missing entirely?

Generally, the issues displayed on a board and in a backlog are based on the filter used by the board. If you are working with a Team Managed project that filter will include all issues in the project. If you are working with a Company Managed project, the filter for the board may have been customized.

If this is for a Company Managed project, can you navigate to the board they are using and go to the Configure Board option and show us the Filter Query information from the General tab?


November 27, 2024

Had a coversation with the user, user stated whenever he is creating a new Issue , the status goes to new and cannot see that issue in backlog list. He said he either wants the setting to be changed to "To do" from "New"  because Issue related to "To do " status can be seen in the backlog  or update the setting so that he can see the issue with status " New " to be in the backlog.

This project is company managed project for Scrum board. I went to configure board, From General tab. 

Board Filter details are below:

(project = TRAV OR project = 10344 AND type != EPIC) AND status != New ORDER BY "Epic Link" ASC, Assignee ASC, key ASC



Trudy Claspill
Community Leader
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November 27, 2024

The reason the issues in the "New" status are not appearing in the Backlog is because the filter for the board is excluding them with the clause "AND status != New"

Eliminate that from the query, and map the "New" status to a Column, and then the issues will be visible on the board and in the Backlog.

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