Sprint insight per board filter

yaron July 10, 2023

I have few scrum boards in a project all using same sprint defined in one master board.
when I open the insight in one of the other boards - it aggregate the data for ALL the issues assign to this sprint and not per the board filter.
Is that the right behavior?
Anything I can do to fix it?

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Martin Mlostek
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Danut M _StonikByte_
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July 10, 2023

Hi @yaron,

This article on our blog might be of great help for you: How to track multi-team or scaled-agile projects (such as SAFe®) in Jira with Great Gadgets app 

With Great Gadgets app, you can configure all the necessary charts based on specific agile boards or filters.

Thank you,

Danut M.

yaron July 11, 2023

Hi Danut,
I'm not looking for additional addon to solve this, just to understand the way this feature works.




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