Sprint capacity management view in Roadmap: reasons of stories/tasks not showing under epics

Olga Koledina
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May 10, 2024

We have set up Jira Plan (Roadmap) and in Sprint capacity management view some epics appear not to show child issues, while they are shown in Basic view. 
What are the possible reasons and solutions to that?

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Walter Buggenhout
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May 10, 2024

Hi @Olga Koledina and welcome to the Community!

That might have something to do with the issue sources you configured for your plan (all the epics must be in the plan in order for them to be displayed). It may be due to some of your epics being closed more than 30 days ago while there are still open issues linked to them (seems less likely to me, as that would be quite an inconsistent situation, but theoretically this might happen). Or you may have configured a view with certain grouping options that are not entirely consistent.

But all these are theoretical options. If you can't figure it out based on the provided options, please do share more details about your configuration (screenshots, details on your issue source configuration, ...) so we are can make suggestions based on more information.

Hope this helps!

Olga Koledina
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May 14, 2024

Thanks for the reply, we have figured out the solution. Epics, whose child issues were not shown are displayed as 'Unassigned' (without Team) with child issues. Once every child issue is assigned per Team, then inside Team the given epics will have child issues. 

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