Split a project into sub-projects

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January 2, 2025



I am looking for a solution that enables me to manage multiple sub-projects within a single project.


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emre January 2, 2025


     I would like to tell you about our alternative solution for the feature you want. Create subprojects and you can split your projects to subprojects. Also you can assign them to issues and search the parent subproject or folder with our custom JQL function and find the child issues to which the child projects are assigned. Our application is Software Configuration Management Toolkit Ekran Resmi 2025-01-02 14.15.34.png

If you want, you can also find the issues to which the subprojects you created are assigned by typing parent subproject or project. For this we have a special JQL function called subprojectsOf.Ekran Resmi 2025-01-02 14.21.46.png

Disclaimer: I work for the vendor who developed this application.

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Fazila Ashraf
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January 2, 2025

Hi @Ahmed EL KOURRI 

Welcome to community!

What is the reason you would like to have them as subprojects in the same jira project? The answer would depend on this.

If it is just to modularise, then you could use project "components" to identify the subproject elements and have the same project hold all the issues of those components/subprojects. You can set different filters (and respective boards) to just focus on the items of that specific component.


If the reason is that you want to hide the not related projects from the members of subproject, then would recommend to have multiple jira project restricting access specific to teams and then have an overview of all the projects in a kanban board. 



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Nikola Perisic
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January 2, 2025

Welcome @Ahmed EL KOURRI 

You can do this with creating separate boards. Each board is based on filters. This means that you need to create filters that will have different projects defined within those filters.

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