Showing in the board tickets Time Estimate as difference from original estimate and time tracking

Giuseppe Guglielmino February 18, 2025

Hei there, hope all of you is doing great.Schermata 2025-02-18 alle 14.45.57.pngSchermata 2025-02-18 alle 14.46.22.png

In my Board I want the ticket card shows the Estimate Time, not as Original Estimate but as difference between OE and Time Tracking.

Look at the attachments:

I have a ticket which tis:
- original estimante is: 2h
- time tracking is: 2h
- estimate time on the board is 2h
- desired behaviour the time estimated time in the board: 0h

Is there a way to get what above ? Can you help me with it ? 

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Trudy Claspill
Community Leader
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February 18, 2025

Hello @Giuseppe Guglielmino 

Welcome to the Atlassian community.

What type of project are you using? Get that information from the Type column on the View All Projects page under the projects menu.

There is no option to configure what is displayed in that lozenge.

If you are working with a Company Managed project you could add another Field to the card display to show the Remaining Estimate separately.

Giuseppe Guglielmino February 19, 2025

Hi @Trudy Claspill 

I am working in a Team Managed Project

Should I change it to Company Managed ?

Trudy Claspill
Community Leader
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February 19, 2025

You cannot change the project type to Company Managed. If you want to use a Company Managed project, a new project of that type would have to be created.

Whether or not use of a Company Managed project is better for you than a Team Managed project would require you to evaluate the difference in functionality between such projects compared to your needs.

In a board created for a Company Managed project it is possible to add fields to the cards:

Screenshot 2025-02-19 at 9.27.08 AM.png


If you want to try out this feature, you can also use it in boards that are created from Saved Filters.

1. Create a filter that selects the issues from you Team Managed project and save the filter.

2. Go to the Boards list page

3. Click the Create Board button.

4. Select the type of board you want to create.

5. Select Create a board from an existing Saved Filter.

Screenshot 2025-02-19 at 9.30.20 AM.png

6. In the next step select the filter you previously created and saved, and complete the wizard for creating the board.

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