Showing additional field in the Issue Links section when viewing an issue

David Stokes (
October 5, 2011

When viewing an issue where it shows each of the issues linked to it under the heading Issue Links. Aat the moment it only shows the issue key, summary and an icon for the priority and status. I'd like to include the Assignee field as well.

I've looked through the documentation and forums, but can't find how to add other fields to the Issue Links view.

Can anyone help me to find out how to do this?



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David Stokes (
October 5, 2011

As often happens, I did a bit more searching and I think I've found the solution, so I thought I'd add the solution here so that someone else can find it if they are looking.....

In the, update jira.table.cols.linkedissue = <what ever is already there>, assignee

Leon Tai January 15, 2013

hi David,

I am trying to do similar things, and happened to come across your post. Do you mind to share more about this experience with me? And I am not a very technical person, is it possible to try to explain to me which file under which directory I will need to modify in order to add fields in the Issue Links section of a JIRA issue? Thanks so much.



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